Sunday, June 04, 2006

Asleep in the park.

Have you ever fallen asleep in the park, or on the beach, or in some other public place? Revealing such a private activity - there is nothing more private - to anyone who cares to walk past takes some courage. It's easy to do. Just find a spot, on the grass, away from the footpaths, away from the boys playing football, away from the flock of hungry pigeons, and settle down. Close your eyes. Sleep.

The sun beats down on you, warm as a blanket, the wind ruffles your hair. Someone strolls across the grass, comes within a few metres. You don't notice, you don't care; you're asleep. You dream. Are the dreams any different?

Waking up - the sun is still there, the wind continues. Across the park are the boys playing football and the flock of hungry pigeons. Nothing is any different - except you. You slept!


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